STC Hosted Voice

STC Hosted Voice

STC Hosted VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) provides a phone service that uses the internet to transmit voice data, allowing businesses to make calls over the internet rather than traditional phone lines. With a hosted VoIP system, STC provides, manages, and maintains the phone system, reducing the need for expensive equipment and maintenance costs. This cloud-based solution offers flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness for businesses looking to modernize their communications infrastructure.


Structured Cabling

Structured Cabling

STC Structured cabling uses a standardized approach for designing and installing a network cabling system that supports multiple hardware uses and can be easily managed and maintained. It provides a reliable and flexible foundation for data, voice, and video services within a building or campus infrastructure. We provide clear labeling, uniform connectors, and structured distribution points to ensure efficient connectivity and scalability for future technology upgrades.




STC Surveillance systems are tools designed to monitor and record activities in a specific area for security and safety purposes. These systems typically include cameras, sensors, and alarms to help prevent and protect against theft, vandalism, and other potential threats. Customers are given the option to view footage locally or remotely. We provide installation and maintenance for a wide variety of products.
